Saturday February 15th
Black History Month Celebration
Friday May 15th
V3E Pride:
A Virtual Celebration of Creatives & Community
AHA! Nights
AHA! (Art • History • Architecture) is an arts and culture celebration that happens the 2nd Thursday of every month throughout downtown New Bedford. This free event features museums and galleries open late, live music, walking tours, art openings, lectures, film screenings, hands-on activities, street performance, as well as places to shop and dine on every block.
Look for Superflat NB popping up during AHA! Nights with live painting, interactive activities, community conversations and more.
More info at
The Annual 3rd EyE Open
A hip hop festival in downtown New Bedford
August 2020
A day long celebration of young creatives and community presented via the elements of hip hop culture.
Featuring live music, dance exhibitions and battles, graffiti walls, a 3-on-3 basketball tournament, Kids Carnival, wellness activites including yoga, reiki and guided meditation and more.
Look for live mural making and temporary graff walls brought to you by Superflat NB.
More info at